end scraper

end scraper
end scraper

Paleo End Scraper — Description – Paleoindian & Other …
DESCRIPTION OF THE PALEO END SCRAPER. Before I describe the PES, I want the reader to understand that the Paleoindians also made other types of end scrapers.

Paleo End Scraper — Introduction – Paleoindian & Other …
THE PALEO END SCRAPER . created January 4, 1997. I have chosen to name this document and the Paleoindian end scraper the “Paleo End Scraper”. In the literature, this …

end scraper: Definition from Answers.com
end scraper [Ar] Narrow blade tool with a convex working edge at one or both ends.

abstract end-scrapers made from projectile points illustrated examples–illinois & missouri early archaic to middle woodland periods this article illustrates and …

Archaeology Wordsmith
Results for end scraper: (View exact match) end scraper SYNONYMS OR RELATED TERMS: endscraper, grattoir CATEGORY: lithics DEFINITION: A stone tool formed by chipping …

end scraper
end scraper

end scraper
end scraper

end scraper
end scraper

end scraper
end scraper

end scraper
end scraper

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